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This topic contains 16 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Hashi 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    missingno15 has said plenty of times that he was going to leave, but they all come craaaaawling back to Estelle! Uh, I mean “TextFugu Forum” ;)

    Yeah, my thoughts are that she is not very good at taking advice. Tried to help her with particles she said she needed to learn for a test over the weekend (using hiragana and spaces), but she just completely ignored it all and said “But I haven’t learned ANY katakana yet!!!” (I’d used 2 small words which could have been guessed from context/the translation). Didn’t even say “thanks for your help anyway :)”. It’s sad to see, but she doesn’t strike me as the type to stick with Japanese till the bitter end. She said her teacher made them all learn ha/ga/mo/to/wo/de/etc. by themselves over one weekend, which I thought was a bit odd… Sounds a terrible course in my opinion.

    missing’s post has hit the nail on the head I think. Though I’d use the word “blunt” rather than “straightforward” haha ;) Telling it like it is is the best course of action sometimes, and this is one of those times I think.



    Well, this thread went nowhere fast.

    As I mentioned in the other thread, please be considerate and courteous to others on the forums.

    Thread closed.

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