Home Forums The Japanese Language Radicals 2: Differentiating between volcano and fin in Anki

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  • #47526

    Jeff Stern

    Is there an easy trick to differentiate between the radical for volcano, and the radical for fin as they are shown in the Anki deck? Unlike on the Kanji page, where volcano has a top, the Anki volcano looks a lot like fin, and fin only has a slightly different angle to it. Is it common for volcano to not have the top covered?



    It depends on the font. Some fonts have the hat, some don’t. When they appear in kanji, the volcano tends to appear at the top the character, and fins at the bottom, but when you’re just looking at the radical, there’s not really any way to tell.



    The same thing threw me off at first. I’ve learned to recognise the difference based on the angle of the right “leg” as you mentioned.

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