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    Does anyone know any sites to read or D/L raw japanese manga/light novels, looking to buy some books from cd-japan and wanted to know how advanced they were before i got them.. not that it really matters as theyll be more a goal than anything i can actually read well right now.



    Raw manga is incredibly difficult to find online due to copyright issues, and light novels almost impossible.
    Which is why whenever I go to Japan I buy like TONS and TONS of manga, magazines, books, and novels…it is well worth it for me. Some of the manga series I buy don’t even have English translations.

    But if you can’t go to Japan right now, I suppose you could read at http://raw.senmanga.com/. But this site is considerably incomplete, so…



    If you’ve got a Kinokuniya in your area (which I admit is unlikely, unless you live in Sydney or San Francisco) then they’ve got a fairly extensive range.


    I wish they had Kinokuniya in Scotland, it sounds awesome :/ Not that I’m a big manga fan, just that they seem to have lots of other stuff, from what you and missingno15 have said anyway.



    Yeah scotland is fairly lacking in those types of shops, shipping it in from japan doesnt seem too pricey as long as i get a decent amount, £50 for 9 books is what im currently looking at. Will need to search london when im next down there.

    Cheers for the link Tsety, though i see what you mean about it being incomplete. Anyone got any good recommendations for easy to read manga that you’ve enjoyed ? Im wanting to get the date a live series but i cant read most of that yet in terms of kanji, thinking of yotsuba for manga that seems doable.



    I’ve been reading Yotsubato. It’s pretty good. Also got a bunch of other manga and novels, and even managed to pick up a copy of Shounen Weekly Jump, which has furigana for everything (though in some fonts it’s completely unreadable).

    Haven’t actually been reading any of it at all, though…



    I saw on some list of resources and bookmarked for later use. Seems to be legitimate, has quite a selection of manga viewable in the browser supported by ads. Seems like it’s built around stuff that was otherwise out of print, so while there’s a lot there it might mostly be stuff we wouldn’t recognize.



    I know that this is an old topic, but I was looking to see if anyone else here had some tips about this topic, and I see that no one has posted these sources yet. -I hope this falls under the “being relevant” exception according to the third general forum rule. ^^; If I am wrong, please let me know and my apologies.- I have some legal sources of raw digital manga and light novels that I use and thought anyone else who stumbles on this thread might find handy. I also like to know the level of difficulty before buying a book, @クレイグ. :)

    If you want read chapters of (newer) manga for free.
    http://www.famitsu.com/comic_clear/ -has a number of titles; some of which have whole volumes available!
    http://comic-walker.com/ -is from Kadokawa and features the latest chapter of Kadokawa’s titles.
    http://www.s-manga.net/ -is the digital portal for Shueisha’s manga and has previews of the latest volumes available for viewing.

    If you want to browse before buying in (light) novels as well as manga, and/or if you would like to buy them as e-books. I can recommend the following.

    http://bookwalker.jp/ -Is Kadokawa’s e-book store. You can preview a title, some 10-20 pages. Unfortunately, not all of their titles are available for viewing and purchase outside of Japan, but in my experience the majority of them are available. They also accept Paypal, and every month they have a collection of free titles http://bookwalker.jp/new/free/; and they have an expanding global/English version of their site that sells English-translated digital manga http://global.bookwalker.jp/. Their English reader app works just fine with their Japanese content as well, so you can use just one account for both sites.

    http://www.ebookjapan.jp/ -I haven’t yet had the opportunity to purchase from this site, but this is another one that sells Japanese ebooks worldwide. -When signing up and they ask for your address, just chose 海外 at the bottom of the drop-down list and you should be good to go.- They have an even larger selection than Bookwalker, and from what I can tell so far don’t seem to have as much restriction in selling certain titles to outside of Japan. They also allow for previewing almost all of their offerings and offer free books http://www.ebookjapan.jp/ebj/freebooks/index.asp

    As a last disclaimer, of course, I am in no way affiliated with any of these sites. ;)
    Happy reading to anyone this helps!

    Does anyone else know of a good site to enjoy legal, Japanese-language digital books/manga? I really prefer to not have to deal with the hassle of shipping when I can avoid it.

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