Home Forums TextFugu Re-doing decks: Does Ultimate Vocab cover + Kanji cover mostly everything?

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    Long story short is that I might have to redo my Anki decks and start from scratch. I’m near the end of Season 6, so there’ s bunch of deck files.

    If I just put everything from Ultimate Vocab decks into a new deck, will that basically cover all the vocab from the seasons? I like that the Ultimate decks use Kanji as well, so that might be better for me anyway as opposed to seeing some vocab that still uses all kana.

    I figure I could just use Ultimate Vocab decks + Kanji Decks (or WaniKani maybe instead if I feel like paying) and that should basically bring me up to speed as to where my decks used to be. I know there is the “Kanji ALL” decks you can download, which I think only goes up to lesson 7-1 right now.



    I’m in a somewhat similar situation. I’ve been thinking of editing all my decks that only contain Kana, and switching them to Kanji. That way I will give myself a bit of a head start recognizing Kanji I haven’t studied yet.

    I’m not entirely sure if the Ultimate Vocab decks contain vocab from the early chapters on TF.


    Alright, well I went ahead and did it anyway. I figured there can’t be too many words the Ultimate decks would be missing. My deck files are so much cleaner/nicer now. Hopefully it shouldn’t take any more than a week tops to kinda get through any easy words and have the repetition be more natural.

    For anyone wondering, the “Kanji ALL” and “Kanji Vocab ALL” decks cover lessons 1-1 to 6-6, which also eliminates a lot of clutter.



    Not sure about Ultimate Vocab, but I’ve looked at the Ultimate Verbs deck and it doesn’t seem to cover the verbs introduced in the lessons, but extra ones.



    I had to do this recently too. My decks are now; Radicals, Kanji, Kanji Vocab, and Ultimate (which contains all the ultimate decks). I went ahead and learned all the radicals, then tried setting all the decks to random order. This actually worked out really well, the random part seems to be for the ‘facts’ rather than the individual questions. So I get all the different cards relating to a new word more-or-less together.

    @vanandrew Thanks for checking that out, guess I should skim through all the seasons downloading the vocab again?

    Does anyone else miss the sentence decks? Perhaps they were discontinued to encourage people to look for Japanese in the wild.



    @a fox – Going through all the seasons is a big job, up to you if you want to do it.

    I miss the sentence decks terribly and make my own each lesson now. The vocab, kanji & radical decks are all great ways to reinforce what you’ve learnt and the sentence decks reinforced the grammar you’ve learnt, so I think they’re important.

    Your ‘ultimate’ deck must be huge!



    I’ve been making my own sentences since season 4 from the examples in the chapters. It definitely helps me to remember vocab and kanji.

    My Anki decks are the following:

    Kanji Vocab
    Ultimate Decks
    All other vocab (smaller decks like colours, identity, jobs, family, etc.)
    Custom words (words in example sentences that weren’t included in nouns deck)
    Custom Sentences (ones I’ve taken from chapters season 4 on wards)
    Katakana Vocab

    I even take the sentences from the work sheets and add them into the Custom Sentences deck.

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