…and when he’s not in Japan, he’s busy with WaniKani :P How long before he abandons the WaniKani userbase and jumps ship to some *other* crazy new idea, eh!? I don’t think he’s really that bothered with TextFugu anymore, seems to have gotten bored with it. Doesn’t really post to Tofugu much either, it’s mostly John (and sometimes Hashi).
You know, there was a time I asked a question on the old forum, and Koichi responded with a recording of him pronouncing the stuff I wasn’t sure about. And then when he gave out funny taglines below the avatars of a few select users (one being me :3) with his fancy admin powers, everyone wanted one, and in a thread about it, there were many jokes to be had between Koichi and his users. It was a glorious day :D
Ugh, I waste time reminiscing too much :P