Home Forums TextFugu Reading of the following sentence?

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    Hey everyone, hope you’re doing awesomely.

    十は七じゃありません <– the following sentence I found here and thought it read as “じゅはしちじゃありません” but instead in the recording it’s “じゅはななじゃありません”.

    I wanted to know if this reading is correct, and if so, then why is 七 read as なな and not しち? Thanks!



    七 is a bit of a weird one in that its readings tend to be fairly interchangeable. 四 as well, to a lesser extent.


    I thought the same thing as well, Kyle. It seems strange, but I kind of just…memorized for that particular sentence it would be “nana” and not “shichi”. *shrug* I would love to know the difference, too.

    Excalibuuuuur. Excalibuuuuur.
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