Home Forums The Japanese Language Reading Sentences

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    Is it a good idea to look at the ending of a sentence to see what tense Ill be using?
    それ は ひとみさん の くるま じゃありませんでした。
    If I look at the じゃありませんでした。 part first Ill be able to tell what tense to read the sentence in, rather than just skimming thru the sentence and having to wait till the end to put the sentence together.



    That’s not really a good idea. You kinda need to get the hang of keeping the whole sentence in mind so that you can put it all together at the end. If you’re reading a long passage, and skipping to the end of each sentence as you go, you’re going to be jumping all over the place. Plus, when you’re being spoken to, you don’t really have that option.

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