Home Forums The Japanese Language Real Kana Help

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    Hey guys, so I just started using Textfugu about a week or two ago. I’ve been using Real Kana to help me memorize the 4 columns of Hiragana before I move on, with all the different typesets switched on. The thing is, some of the characters in the different fonts look nothing like they do in the chart, like Ko or Ki, for example, yet the website recognizes them as such. Are they just completely different ways of writing the characters that I’ll have to memorize?

    "Use the Force, Harry." -Gandalf.


    Hi Tyler,

    Think of them like the different fonts we have in English. They are all English letters but look differently because of the font used. :) My advice? Relax and you’ll easily learn to read the kana regardless of the font used. :)


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