Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Remembering To Study

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Hatt0ri 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Everyone knows I’m lazy and forget to do things, so to help me remember to study I set TextFugu as my home page. So every time I go on the internet (I use it every day) I am reminded to study. Hope this helps.



    I like that idea! Most of my time online is idol browsing. It would be a great reminder to spend my time more constuctively.

    I suck at motivating myself. Is there any other tips for motivation out there? Ways of encouraging yourself to study. I tend to go in spurts of starting and stopping. How do you encourage youself to keep regular patterns for study?



    I’m made to feel guilty if I don’t study for a bit then someone asks me how my Japanese learning is going. I told people because back then TextFugu said to tell people that your going to learn Japanese.




    I make Japanese my main thing for the day, so even when I get distracted and do something else, I go back again.



    One thing that has helped me to remember that I should study are sticky notes.

    I have sticky notes in the halls of my apartment, in the bedroom, in the kitchen, next to my TV – wherever I spent the most time at my place. I write down whatever I’m currently studying or I want to review (in Kana or the very few Kanji that I know, never in Romaji) and that both reminds me and motivates me to actually do what’s on the note. As long as I keep the stickies around, it’s been surprisingly effective.



    I have a to-do list (a chart, actually) with checkboxes for entire week. It’s similar to don’t-break-the-chain calender because having all boxes checked at the end of the week keeps me motivated. I have that calender as well, but the chain is broken on several places, so now I use it only to check how long has it been since I started learning Japanese (today is 251st day). All those days invested in studying so far keep me motivated as well.

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