Home Forums TextFugu Rethinking my strategy

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    So, the last week or so while I’ve been sick, and now that I’ve recovered from it, I’ve been thinking about my strategy for learning Japanese, and it’s frankly terrible. I end up just reading through the TextFugu chapters without practicing everything properly. And the grammar seems to stick for a while, but after not actively studying for a couple of days I realise that I can’t easily recall particular grammar points anymore, but if I go back I can remember everything as I read through the text on it again.

    In general I prefer learning things like languages in classrooms because it more or less forces me to follow along at a certain pace and ensures that I do exercise X and Y, and makes me interact with others to a degree.

    After a week of not having the energy to study and realising how little grammar I can easily recall I’ve decided to start over from the beginning with TextFugu. I’ve decided to take it a bit slower, and to go through every chapter properly, and forcing myself to take proper notes as I go along to really cement the knowledge. And among the most important of all, to make myself properly exercise all new grammar in each chapter, writing at least a hand-full of small sentences for every grammar point to try to really acquire the new knowledge.

    Knowing myself this won’t be easy, because I’m both lazy and stubborn, but I feel very comfortable in my decision to try my best, because I know that I can do it if I really set my mind to it!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  kyrias.


    Yeah, Koichi’s not a huge fan of learning to write – and certainly not the sort of rote copying they do in Japanese schools – so he doesn’t really seem to assign great amounts of practice exercises aside from Anki decks, with the occasional worksheet. Essentially, it’s a little bit lacking in actual reinforcement.

    One option is to get yourself another textbook and study it along with TextFugu. For me, it was actually the other way around – I signed up to TextFugu to study alongside my university courses, where we used Nakama. I also bought myself Japanese for Busy People. I was a little bit surprised at how often I found all three textbooks were teaching the same thing at the same time, so it worked as reinforcement for what I was learning. Both Nakama and JfBP come with workbooks with practice exercises in them.

    I also got all three volumes of the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar, and I’ve actually read the entire first volume literally from cover to cover. One trick is you can use it for extra practice by covering over the English transation of the practice sentences and then try to understand them.

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