Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) S1.1, Greetings, and a new road opens

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    So starting out, been an old Beta tester on Wanikani, and having dedicated a lot of time to Japanese study prior I decided after a bit of a vacation that now was the time to get back on the horse, and return too the studies. However this time I also decided that I wanted to give some gold to those who helped me and given me lots of things in my last journey. And that is why I am now here, to take on the TextFugu method of learning in parallel with my Wanikani.

    My name is Mike, I live in Denmark, and just turned 35.
    I study and I’m an instructor in Copenhagen Shibari Dojo. I have been a manga/anime geek for years as well, and found a great interest in the Japanese Culture. I’ve been to Tokyo many years back, where I with a friend visited Comiket, as a part of our reason to go to Japan.

    Reasons why I would want to learn Japanese.
    I’m learning Japanese cause I want to be able to talk with the Japanese Sensei’s that I wouldn’t normally have access to, since English might not be a language they speak. And also being able to read books about my study as well.
    I want to better understand their culture, and through learning the language I can also learn the culture.
    I want to be able to move and live in Japan, maybe only for a small period of time, but my idea of moving to Japan for 6-12 months at some point would need me to have a fair knowledge of the language I think, cause I don’t want to be sitting at home and doing nothing.

    And first time I went to Japan, I told myself that before going back I would need to be more proficient in the language.

    Kind regards,


    I notice you are studying Japanese and are a Shibari Master. Could you be so kind as to advise how one could go about learning shibari while in Japan. I will be spending some time there and would be really interested in learning.

    Thank you


    Hi Paul,

    I wouldn’t call myself Shibari Master at any level. But I do study this, and I am an instructor in the Local Shibari Dojo.

    If you want to study while you are in Japan, please send me your email and I will forward it, and I’m sure you will be taken care of in regards to getting lessons in Japan.


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