Home Forums TextFugu Saying Names in Japanese

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    I have just seen how to structure an introduction but don’t know how to go about writing my name (or others) in Japanese. I imagine you use katakana (which I roughly know though am still studying it) but could use some guidance.

    My name is Oliver but it would help a lot if someone could give some examples ^^




    One clever trick to finding the “standard” transliteration of your name into katakana is to look up the Wikipedia page of someone famous, and switch to the Japanese version of the page with the language sidebar. For example: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/オリバー・クロムウェル

    Basically, the important consideration is pronunciation rather than spelling. For to think of a random example, the name “Leigh” is pronounced “Lee”, so the transliteration is リー. Viz: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ウォルター・リー



    Oh wow, thanks for that tip, I’ve never used Wikipedia in that way before but I’ll be sure to now =)

    Thanks for the help Joel I appreciate it ^^

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