Home Forums TextFugu Search Function.

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    I think the forums need a search function. That way, there will be less reposts (I’ve seen some people say “oh, there’s already a topic on this”).


    P.S. For the subsriber vs. premium subscriber, what’s the difference? My Dad says I have lifetime, and I believe it says I’m a subscriber. So are the monthly people “premium subscribers”?



    If you are lifetime it should say premium subscriber, get your dad to check it out.

    Ignore the people who say there is already a thread for that, unless they actually post a link. If they do, just go ahead and use it.

    Some people on this board seem to think that everyone on here should magically be aware of every topic ever created. Even though many other boards disdain resurrecting old threads. The general response from a select few members is to try to never create any new threads if there is one that might remotely relate to your topic. Obviously without a proper search function this is just silly. As long as you are following Koichi’s stickied guidelines for the forum you aren’t doing anything wrong by creating a new thread, so unless they are a moderator, just ignore them. If they happen to be generous enough to actually post a link to said thread (you’d be lucky), go ahead and check it out, and if it truly is the same thing, just continue there. If you feel your inquiry is different from the thread, simply state why you believe your question is different, and move on within your own thread.

    Don’t be intimidated by strong personalities. Just because they post a lot doesn’t give them any authority over what should or shouldn’t be here, that’s the mod’s jobs.


    Disclaimer: Not targeting anyone specific here truly, if I was I’d simply state names. I just remember feeling the same way when I started and I can’t remember who the offenders were, and don’t really care enough to look them up, I just rolled with it.


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by  Aikibujin.


    We’ve wanted a damn search function for ages so you’re not the only one with that thought. Now if only it’d get implemented… :(



    There’s always been a search function, but it’s always been very well hidden, usually somewhere in your forum account profile page. It gets increasingly well-hidden every time Koichi updates the forum software, to the point where I can’t seem to find where it’s gone in this current version. I’ve found the “view results from previous searches” function, but not the search function itself…



    whenever I really wanna search the forum, I use google.  But usually I have to google HOW to use google first since I forget cuz I don’t do it often.  of course this isn’t too helpful to most people.  Unless they use google to search the forum to find out how to use google to search the forum.  Hahaha…  Seriously though, if they can’t do a search function, then at least a stickied note about how to search with  google would be better than nothing…



    (search terms) site:www.textfugu.com/bb/


    type that into search bar (no parentheses needed)



    P.S.  I’m a lifer but it says subscriber.  Maybe I’m not a good enough lifer. :(



    I actually asked Koichi last month about the differences between Subscriber and Premium Subscriber and he said the following:

    “ I have no idea… I think it’s just what gets associated with different account types. No actual difference, just naming inconsistency on my part.”




    Yeah, I freaked out yesterday, and sent Koichi some stuff. He said I am in fact forever. But yeah, the naming inconsistencies are scary. Also: an actual notification system. It probably can’t happen though, until Koichi moves out of WordPress. That way we can say “oh, a reply!”, and click right to it, not through my email.



    “Some people on this board seem to think that everyone on here should magically be aware of every topic ever created. Even though many other boards disdain resurrecting old threads.”

    That. I rarely visit this forum because of a few  somewhat bitter old-timers who apparently have learned Japanese already, have no lives and post really non-helpful comments. Or, post all in Japanese, which is not inspiring to a beginner. Just confusing and annoying.

    The Reviewing the Kanji forum is a much friendlier place for beginners.



    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by  Altaira.

    have no lives



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