Home Forums TextFugu Season 2/ Season 1??

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Hashi 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    So I am almost done with Season 2 (yay!) But one real pet peeve I have here is that I’ve noticed in numerous places in Season 2 that it says something about how I’m almost done with Season 1, or something of the like.

    Example: http://www.textfugu.com/season-2/being-possessive/10-9/#top

    Right at the top it says something about how Season 1 review is next. It’s driving me nuts “Am I in 1 or 2? Where am I? Am I stuck in a perpetual dream where I can never surpass Season 1?”

    Not trying to be a pest or anything but I keep getting excited that I’m so close to the finishing Season 2 and then I read that I may still be in 1, whaaaaa?
    Am I? Am I not? WHERE AM I !?!



    That’s because until not too long ago we only had 3 seasons, but Koichi broke them down into smaller chunks. So old S1 = seasons 1 and 2 now and so on.


    What irmooney said :) Season got split up just a few weeks ago, so season 1+2 was season one. 3+4 was season 2. 5+6 was season 3.

    Hope that helped



    Oh, that makes sense, I had just began Season 2 around that time, I never noticed the difference. (>.<;)
    Thank you, irmoony & Mark !



    Yeah, like irmoony and Mark said, we did a pretty big season change around a couple weeks back, and I guess we missed some things.

    If you find any of these weird inconsistencies, feel free to submit a bounty, hit us up on Twitter, or email either myself (hashi@textfugu.com) or Koichi (koichi@textfugu.com).

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