Home Forums The Japanese Language Season 5 is so hard….

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    Am I the only one struggling with season 5? It’s taking me soooo long to get it finished. So long that I’m forgetting what I learned in the beginning of season 5.
    I think what screwed me up was the kanji being raised to 10. So learning 10 kanji instead of 5 I think it was.
    I’ve also been skipping kanji because I like learning grammar more. So now it’s been pilingggg up.

    Anyway, is there anyone else finding season 5 difficult? Or maybe a different season?




    Honestly, I think every Japanese student reaches a point where they seem to be forgetting things as fast as they learn them. Just keep at it, but don’t overdo it or you’ll burn out. Don’t skip the kanji, but maybe it’s worth coming up with a new way to learn them. Study the vocab which uses the kanji rather than the kanji in isolation. Use said vocab with the grammar, so you can learn all the things at once. =)



    I’ve been finding that I have to mix and match resources. I’m not at season 5 yet (just starting 3) but as far as kanji… I’m just not getting it using TF. WaniKani is good but it’s a much slower pace, although it does a great job of actually jamming it into your brain. I’ve just ordered Remembering the Kanji by James Heisig (you’ve probably heard of it) so I’m hoping that’ll help. It IS more for writing and knowing the meaning of the kanji, not the various readings and such. But I’m really finding that no single method or resource is perfect. TF is great and is still the backbone of my learning structure, but I’m also grabbing at other things to kind of round it out.

    Besides kanji stuff using Anki, I’ve also been committing a day each week to JUST learning kanji (I’ve even got a song for it and everything… it’s… it’s good that I live alone, I think). It can be brutal but it’s super important to learn if you want to advance. Quite honestly, if you’ve been able to make the effort to get to season 5 and you’re still able to make time for it, you can DEFINITELY make time to do a kanji day.

    You’ll get there though! Just, like Joel said, come up with a new way to learn. Don’t limit yourself to TF or WK – search around some. You’ll be fine :)

    I haz a blog http://maninjapanchannel.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLQzB-1u-dg


    I think the grammar part is much funnier too.
    I know I’ll lose and forget a grammar point if I don’t remember to use it. I don’t know where but at one (relatively early) point there don’t come new sentence decks to anki. They have been very important to make sure I didn’t lose the grammar points. If I’ve forgotten one, I know anki will remind me of it. So to make sure I don’t forget I add my own cards to my sentence deck.
    You can download the recordings of sentences by right-clicking on the blue button (the one you press to play the sound) and click “save link as”.


    Thanks guys! Sorry for the late reply I completely forgot about this post. But yeah, I guess you’re right, changing things up makes things less mundane. I currently use Shadowing: Lets Speak Japanese. It’s great I guess but I think it’s better suited for those who are living in Japan, where they can use sentences like ‘how much is this game?’ or just basic small talk with a Japanese person. I’ve also started to do some reading, kinda tough but I’ll get through it! haha

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