Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Selamat Pagi from Jakarta

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TrooperBari 13 years ago.

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    Hello, all. Name’s Paul — I’m an American expat working in Jakarta, Indonesia. I got interested in learning about Japan, its language and its culture after hearing stories from my mom and her siblings about growing up on Yokota AFB (we’re an Air Force family). After one uninspiring semester of Japanese in college and stop-start efforts at learning on my own, I’m knuckling down with TextFugu and — so far — getting good results.

    My goal is to live and work in Japan (preferably at a newspaper, but that’s negotiable) and have a chance to experience the culture at a deeper level. I’ve worked at two papers in Asia and been to more countries as a visitor, but no place excites and challenges (not to mention frustrates) me quite like Japan.



    Hey Paul, welcome to TextFugu. Your career sounds pretty exciting, what sort of things do you do at a newspaper? Are you a writer, editor, photographer, or something else entirely?

    Good luck with your studies!



    Thanks, Hashi. I’m primarily a desk editor (mostly news and sports, business in a pinch) assigning stories and massaging reporters’ English, but I do spot news from time to time and offer opinions from the safety of my bright orange couch. I’ve shot photos and designed pages in the past, but my current shop is big enough to where I’ve not been asked to do that … yet.

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