This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  biku 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Greetings everyone,

    My name is Thor. I am currently a student as well as a substitute ESL teacher at the university I attend. I am 21 (22 in two day -_-;) and will be spending a month in Tokyo next month. I’ll be taking a Japanese language course as well as ”touristy” things such as visiting Tokyo Tower, Ghibli Museum, etc. I have been slowwwwwlly teaching myself Japanese for the past two years. When I say slowly, I mean slowly… lazily.. etc. haha. In recent months, I have actually committed to learning the language. I figured I would try this site out and see how much I progress!



    Welcome! Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy your time in Tokyo. You planning to climb Mount Fuji? Tokyo Skytree? And less-touristy sightseeing things? =)



    Thank you Joel! Ohhhh, I don’t think I’ll be climbing Mount Fuji, but I am definitely checking out the Sky Tree. I’ll be doing a lot of wandering around as well.



    Hello and Happy Birthday! Have a lovely time on your trip to Tokyo :)

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