Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Self-introduction: Hello from Wales

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi there!
    My name is Rhys. I’m from Wales, in the UK.
    I’m currently a university student, studying for a BSc in Computer Science.
    I’d love to learn Japanese as I intend, at some point in the future, to visit Japan, and I’d like to be able to comprehend the language while visiting.
    I also watch some anime, read manga, and play video games – some of which haven’t been translated into English, such as the Digimon Adventure game for PSP. These are additional reasons I’d like to learn Japanese.
    Anyway, that’s me. I’m excited to get started!



    Welcome! One trick with living in Wales is that if you ever want to say where you’re from in Japanese, it’s ウェールズ, which is a tiny bit fiddly to both write and say. =P

    I’ve been working my way through a game in Japanese, myself – 二ノ国 for the DS. It’s been a fair while since I touched it, admittedly.

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