Home Forums The Japanese Language Sentance

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    anata wa ryou ga asagohan desu ka?
    Have you finished breakfast?
    I cant seem to see the difference between desu and deshita in this sentence.



    Sorry, but that one’s not right – I think you’re trying to shoehorn the English grammar into Japanese.

    “Have you finished breakfast?” would be “anata wa asagohan wo oemashita ka?”.

    It’s past tense, because the finishing of breakfast is in the past.

    On a minor side note, this has been bugging me a little (partially because you got it right the first time) but it’s “sentence”. =)


    I wouldn’t use the kanji for finish? (pronounced ryou)
    When would I use it because I haven’t gotten to words such as oemashita.
    Oops, my bad ill be sure to fix that thanks! :-)



    了 (ryou) is a noun.
    終えます (oemasu) is a verb.

    In “have you finished breakfast”, “finished” is the verb.

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