This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  vanandrew 12 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #33023


    Since studying sentences is apparently a great way to learn any language it was a bit disappointing to see the sentence decks at Textfugu end so early.
    I will probably just use the sentences in the rest of the chapters to make a deck but I was wondering if anyone knew a good pre-existing deck I could use as well?



    Core decks have sentences for Anki don’t they?



    Yeah no more sentences decks after sentences 15 on season 3. I’m hoping this new update adds more sentences after each lesson. I’ve also been making custom sentences decks using examples in the chapters.



    You could try the 8547 Japanese Sentences shared Anki deck, it’s really good.



    The core decks do have sentences. I’m unsure how many.

    I was also sad to see the sentences stop. I have to wonder if TF 2.5 is moving to MCDs instead.



    Looked again at the info Koichi posted about the upcoming update and more practice is one of the main features. So by that, I’m guessing more sentences will be made to go with Season 4 onwards.

    His long term plan is to eventually stop using Anki and use a built in srs. As for Kanji learning, at the moment there’s Kanji on TextFugu and WaniKani (although still in alpha, it will grow over time). Both should be consolidated into the one. WaniKani looks fantastic so far. Using Anki does get dull at times but is still reliable.



    The Core decks should in theory be like iKnow, so a sentence for every piece of vocab, I don’t use them so I can’t say for sure.



    What everyone should do is share the sentences they’ve created from their passion list that way we’d have a bajillion sentences, and as we move forward creating our own sentences then we’d have a bajillion more sentences, it could turn into a giant robot of sentences to smite our Japanese learning foes with.



    @ Andrew – He will be called “Sentencetron”

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