Home Forums The Japanese Language Sentence structure explanation ください!

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    Hey could someone please explain this sentence structure to me? I’m up to learning about the ridiculous amount of meanings the particle で has.

    今日 は あめ だった ので くるま で行った。
    Because of today’s rain, I went via car.

    I’m told で particles attach to nouns but im seeing this one attached to a の particle? And the だった is simply translated as the apostrophe and ‘s’ in ‘today’s’?


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    That’s not the particle の attached to the particle で, but rather the particle ので which means “because”. It basically functions similar to から-as-because, but there’s some differences in usage.

    だった is the past tense of the casual-form copula だ.

    A more literal translation of the sentence would be “Because today was rainy, I went by car”.



    Thank you!

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    I always thought of ので as the て form of のです.
    The first clause id a complete sentence that explains the second clause, which is also a complete sentence.



    Grammar dictionary says yes, that’s the etymology, but in modern Japanese it’s a conjunction.

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