Home Forums The Japanese Language Sentence Translation

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rhys 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hey people. Would just like some confirmation on whether my question translation is correct. Thanks.

    1.あした、どこ に 行くつもりですか?
    Where do you plan to go tomorrow?

    2.あそこ は どこ ですか?
    Where is that over there?

    Do you like it?

    4.おもしろい ところ ですか? たのしい ところ ですか?
    Is it an interesting place? Is it a fun place?

    5.なんじ に 行きますか?
    What time is it there?

    6.あそこ に なに を しますか?
    What do you do over there?

    7.だれ と あいますか?
    Who do you meet?

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    3.何が好き? = What do you like?

    5.なんじ に 行きますか? = What time will you go?

    Otherwise they look fine, though あそこはどこですか seems… a little odd. You might say ここはどこですか – “where is here” = “where am I?” – but I can’t really think of a situation where you’d use あそこはどこですか… though that could just be a lack of imagination of my part.



    Awesome thanks! It was a copy and paste from the TextFugu page im up to.

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