Home Forums TextFugu Sentences 14 typo?

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    Hey guys, im working my way through season 3 at the moment, verbs at last! ;) , when I noticed a little discrepancy when study my anki decks (specifically the sentences 14 deck).

    The sentence; “おとうとさん に 1万円 を かしました” should be “I lent my little brother 10000 yen” (right?) but it is pronounced and translated as “I lent my dad 10000 yen”. So is おとうとさん supposed to be おとうさん?


    If it is the case then it’s just a typo that I spotted. If not sorry for the hassle.



    Strictly speaking, you should use おとうと and ちち when talking about your own relatives to others, but otherwise yeah, I agree. Looks like a typo.

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