Home Forums TextFugu Sentences and Radicals on Memrise?

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    I am from Portugal so do not expect my English to be very good…

    To learn Hiragana and Katakana I have used an app called «Memrise» and I think that aesthetically it is much better than Anki. It is in an early fase of development, though. But the the way they ask the questions is much more pleasing than Anki…
    I was thinking if the Sentences deck and Radicals deck could be on Memrise…

    Thank you!



    Personally I see neither the need for this nor do I see a reason for it to not be on this. The problem seems to be that this is a smartphone app and anki is for PC. Since many people (like myself) study on the PC and only study on the smartphone when on the go, it doesn’t seem to be worth the extra work. Though maybe someone’s bored and will get to it, who knows.


    The Anki app for iOS costs 24.99$. Memrise app is free. Do you still think it is useless?



    Anki for the PC is free. Beat me why it has such an ridiculous pricetag on the Ios version but I use it without any cost.



    Hey guys, I’m using memrise instead of anki.

    The decks; sentences, vocabulary, kanji and radicals all work great.

    The only problem is the kanji vocab, which is missing the important kanas. Does anyone know if this can be updates or if we are better of just making a new deck?



    Right now I’m doing the kanji vocabs on anki instead, but memrise is way superior.

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