Home Forums The Japanese Language Sentences ending in を

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    This is something I never came across in a grammar book, but in everyday life twice, and that’s just today.

    I looked at a picture of a dragon wearing a scarf (don’t ask), and a Japanese person wrote underneath it: ドラゴンが、あのマフラーを!


    Also, I looked for a movie adaptation of the famous book “Flowers For Algernon”, and apart from the fact that there’s gonna be a new movie soon, which is awesome news, there seems to be a Japanese version called this: アルジャーノンに花束を

    So why the を at the end? What function does it have?



    I’d never seen that before.
    It seems to be just omitting an implied verb; “wear” in the first case and maybe “give” in the second. This is, of course, just a guess. Check out some more examples: http://jisho.org/sentences?jap=%E3%82%92%E3%80%82&eng=



    It sounds like theres more to it, but there’s really not, I think. Its just implied, like シャワーを



    I’ve only heard it in a few cases in my life too.
    First was happy new year. よいおとしを
    And have a good weekend/holiday よいお休みを

    Both situations seem to mean have.



    I think saying お無事を! Is pretty common too, so just ‘be safe’



    same with お楽しみに~~♡ , or お大事に~

    We can illustrate this with an English example. Basically finish the sentence:

    Where are my Lucky ________?!

    Dude, what the ______?

    “Hasta la vista _______”

    As you can see you just know what goes there and as it relates to Japanese, its just shorter. Think about all the times that a Japanese person would ALWAYS have to finish their sentence. Mad awkward.

    Also here’s another example:

    [3/8/2011 12:20:11 AM] missingno15: で、toshさんは外国を勉強してるの?
    [3/8/2011 12:20:13 AM] missingno15: 英語?
    [3/8/2011 12:20:39 AM] tosh: 英語だよー。
    [3/8/2011 12:20:53 AM] tosh: 英語がふつうにはなせるようになりたい!
    [3/8/2011 12:21:00 AM] tosh: アメリカにも旅行にいきたいし。
    [3/8/2011 12:21:53 AM] missingno15: そのために英語を?国際旅行?
    [3/8/2011 12:22:27 AM] tosh: そうだよ!アメリカのドラマ、映画、大好きだしね
    [3/8/2011 12:22:35 AM] missingno15: いいな

    So in short, I would kinda think of it as just like “finish the sentence”.

    But what do I know, I’m just a beginner ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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