Home Forums The Japanese Language Sentences with the particle を

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jay Norris 10 years ago.

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    Jay Norris

    Hi everyone! I’m just having a small problem. Whenever I come across a sentence with を and listen to the audio, I don’t seem to actually hear them say the を particle if the preceding word ends with an お sound. Do I just need to skip over the additional sound coming from を or maybe just draw out my お sound before carrying on the sentence.

    Here’s an example if I’m not explaining well: にほんご を はなします
    When I reach the end of にほんご I keep wanting to pause, then throw in the を sound, but it constantly sounds like を is either skipped over or barely tacked on to the end of にほんご.

    Any advice would rock.



    It’s there, just often fairly hard to make out. You’re basically extending the お sound for an extra beat. If the object ends with おう and the verb starts with お, then you’re getting four お-sounds in a row…

    What makes things heaps of fun is when you’re doing dictation tests at uni and the lecturer says 勉強をする, because 勉強する makes just as much sense, only you lose a mark if she says the を and you don’t write it down. Bitter? Me? Noooo. =P



    I wish I could cite some specific audio examples. I should try putting something like that together, because I see questions like this come up a lot. Not that I’m an expert in the language, but my musical background helps distinguishing the sounds lol.

    I had one Japanese lady once explain it basically as this; in regular conversation you just make the “o” sound. But if she were saying the sentence slowly, for instructional purposes for example, she would sound out “wo”. One of those fun weird things. I’ve not had any 4 beat o-sounds yet but I got to do a 3 beat one with my tutor last week. It snuck up on me and I felt ridiculous.

    I haz a blog http://maninjapanchannel.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLQzB-1u-dg

    Jay Norris

    Thanks for the help! Yeah I assumed I just needed to extend the sound a little longer but man is it annoying. Especially when listening. I’ve started trying to translate the sentences by listening to them and man it’s hard to catch some times.

    Thanks once again!

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