Hi there. Enjoying textfugu very much, but listening to the sample sentence mp3′s in most lessons can be quite a tedious experience. About half the time, the server seems to be responding mighty slow, and each and every single audio file takes at least several seconds to play, and often easily more than 10 seconds. Pages load very slowly at times as well (as if the server is overloaded), but this is not as distracting, since after the page is done, you can bask in the page’s wisdom for multiple minutes. Having to wait a long time for every single mp3 in a long list of examples is anything but motivating however, and quite simply ruins the whole learning experience.
I’m 99% certain this has nothing to do with my own internet connections, since during the waits I visit plenty of other pages (from all parts of the world) that have no such difficulties loading. Is there anything that can be done to alleviate this problem? I’m guessing asking for offline copies of the lessons is a big no-no….:-/
The lessons are great though, and I’m merely whining about the icing on the cake not being sweet enough ;-).