Home Forums The Japanese Language Small question about introducing myself

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    So, at the end of season 4, textfugu asks us to write something on lang-8. hmm….kay. I’m still not really sure if I want do that, since I’m only able to write incredibly simple and boring stuff. Anyways, as I was going to (try) to start it, a question popped in my mind:

    How should I write my name when introducing myself? The sentence itself is easy enough (私は<name>です), but how should the actual name be written?

    I mean, my name is obviously foreign (Vinícius), so should I write it in katakana? Switch to romaji? Should I “translate” it to japanese sounds or keep it as is?


    Thanks for the attention and sorry for the somewhat dumb question, heh.



    Google translate is translating it as ヴィニシウス. Go ahead and give it a shot. To be on the safe side, you could always write your sentences in English underneath so anyone who might be confused will see how your name is written in roman letters.



    If you’re wondering, incidentally, whether you should be coming up with a kanji name, banish the thought now. It’s not worth the heartbreak. =P



    Nah, that option wasn’t really considered =P. I will go with kanjiman’s idea


    And thanks for the replies ^^.

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