Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Some Creative Way of Saying Hi

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    Hey =] I couldn’t think of some super amazing way to say hello so I thought I’d just make y’all use your imaginations. And you probably hate me right now for making you think. So I’m sorry. I’m attending school at The Ohio State University (Insert School Spirit). I’m a total nerd with an unhealthy addiction to fashion, graphic design, and Robert Downey Jr. I love trying new things (I just picked up knitting. And Japanese, obviously) and I’ve got a bit of an impulsive streak. I also say things that are rarely appropriate that will either make you laugh and/or blush. Or walk away.

    I’ve been wanting to learn Japanese for a while now and after a long conversation with my sister, finally decided to just do it. For years people have told me it’s not worth it, it’s better to put your energy in an easier language, etc., so I now have about five years of French under my belt; instead of doing what’s “smart,” I want to do something that’ll make me happy. And Japanese (and donuts) make me very happy. Ideally, I would like to live in California and work internationally, hopefully in gaming or advertising or fashion, but starting out I’d really like to teach English abroad. Just not to children. I don’t like babies.

    So that’s me. I’m excited to be a part of this community and to learn Japanese with all of you!




    Welcome. Good luck in your learning.

    I live in the USA, too. In a state next to yours, actually. So, I’ll be wishing some motivational energy your way.

    Enjoy your lessons.



    Hey, welcome to TextFugu! Are you named after the band Pink Martini? Because that would earn you super Portland cred with me and Koichi :p



    Welcome to TextFugu!

    On an unrelated note: your Avatar is really cute.

    Good luck learning Japanese.



    Thanks for the welcome and positive energy everyone ^^

    @hashi: Yes!! I fell in love with their song Sympathique in high school, and their name was super awesome too so I decided to steal it >=]

    @Kaona: Thanks! It’s my fave



    Hello Pink Martini!

    Glad to count you in. :)

    Good luck then with your Japanese learning!

    See ya around.

    There's always money in the banana stand!
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