Home Forums The Japanese Language some grammar that i dont understand

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    Hello people! today i decided to check Tae Kim’s guide to learning japanese and well i checked his basic grammar lessons and.. they didn’t really match with Koichi’s i mean let me give you an example: instead of でした he used だった or instead of です he used だ is Koichi’s way more polite and used in real Japan or am I missing something? I hope you guys can help me a bit oh and here’s the link to where i’ve seen this if you want to check it out  http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/stateofbeing


    To give you a short answer, yes です and でした is more polite than だ and だった.


    Just for the future, it’d probably be best to post in here: http://www.textfugu.com/bb/topic/the-i-found-some-japanese-i-dont-understand-thread/

    I’m actually surprised you didn’t link to that already, Mark :P You’re usually the one to mention stuff like that.



    だ = casual form of coupla. だ is to です as たべる is to たべます. =)


    thanks guys from helping me out :D

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