Home Forums TextFugu Some stuff I don't get oh no

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    So, I’m halfway through season 5, and in some of the example sentences (I think in the casual past tense and if chapters) there are some sentences which go something along the line of “…he ikimasu” (sorry, using a shitty public computer instead of my laptop).

    I’m generally pretty good at recalling stuff I’ve been taught but I can’t remember ever seeing this kind of ending on a sentence. What does it all mean?


    へ is a particle (pronounced え) and 行きます is the polite non-past verb “to go”. So 「日本へ行きます。」is like “Go to Japan”.

    http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/verbparticles (section on へ)


    Huh, I’ve not seen that particle before, anywhere in my travels. Thanks a lot though! I’m pretty sure he never mentioned that before, now I’m paranoid I might have to go through all the lessons again.. although I’m sure that’ll be good practice anyway.

    What do you make of Koichi’s recent reappearance, by the way? Since I’m quite new I’m not sure what to expect, having only retrospectively learnt of TF’s sidelining


    And oops, I knew 行く, didn’t make that clear :P


    Where did you hear about the resurfacing of Koichi after a long time of radio silence (with TextFugu anyway)? Was it in the recent thread “Updates update”? Cause if you have a look there, I made waaaaay too long a post with my opinions already :P Bear in mind, that’s from the perspective of a long time member; you might experience things differently since he might just update everything before you’ve caught up with the lessons.

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