Home Forums The Japanese Language Some weird writing in openoffice

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    Sometimes the letters in hiragana show up like that


    The one in the green box is the undesired font .

    Sometimes it fixes itself when I put these 「 」brackets on each end but other times it doesn’t . Does anybody have a clue why this happens? I don’t need office so I use openoffice instead.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  eru777. Reason: additional info
    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?


    Just to confirm; the problem is the tops getting cut off?

    I use OO too, but have never had any problems… which fonts are those?

    And which version and build of OO are you using? (click:  help>about openoffice.org)



    No, the problem is that it shows in a weird manner, like they are anorexic letters or something. Whereas the ones on the right are perfectly good , readable characters.

    This happens when I edit the exported PDF files from Koichi’s practice sheets by using the converter I found in a site.

    The aforementioned site makes rtf files from PDFs so that I can edit them .

    The problem can be fixed when I just copy and paste the whole thing onto google translator , then to a simple text editor, then paste it again from scratch into a new openoffice sheet. But I was just wondering why it happens.

    Or I can just set the font to  arial unicode ms, that works too (lol)

    My openoffice version is 3.3.0

    The ‘anorexic’ font is Times New Roman. I guess the makers of  it didn’t like Japanese .

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  eru777.
    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?


    The ‘anorexic’ font is Times New Roman. I guess the makers of  it didn’t like Japanese .

    I’d have to agree with you on that point, since Times New Roman, being an English font, doesn’t have any Japanese characters to speak of. At all.

    On a side note, I concur with Astralfox – the tops getting cut off is a much bigger problem than looking “anorexic”.


    Just use Sim Sun font.

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