Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Something useful for you (Kanji & Kana)

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  michicachan999 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #45211

    Sen Valitov

    Hey guys!
    I’ve created two files for myself to learn kana and then kanji and now I’d like to share them with you. Hope it will help!

    The first one is a list of random romaji transcription of kana. It helps to boost up your writing skills – just print it out and write kana characters above the transcription. To renew random transcriptions you capture any syllable and drag it to the right for a bit – the entire list will be regenerated. Be sure to print the first page only!

    The second one is a deck of Kanji cards. Each card contains Kanji itself, On/Kun reading and FuguVocab. Print it and cut, and then look through the deck as often as you can – it’s especially useful when you do not have access to anki. The last Kanji on the list is PUSH, I’ll add kanji as I progress in Japanese.

    KANA: http://dfiles.ru/files/x8pzxpu1t
    KANJI: http://dfiles.ru/files/tn6h22ri8

    Good luck,
    Sen Valitov


    Wow, this is really good! Thank you so much for posting. :D

    Excalibuuuuur. Excalibuuuuur.
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