This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sygec 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Well, I imagine I’ll be one of many new TextFugu members considering the sale that is going on atm.  :)

    Just wanted to drop by and say hi.  I’ve been a WaniKani members for a few months now, as well as learning Japanese on and off again.  However, I hope this time will be for real.

    The hard part with learning Japanese was always motivation… I am not looking for a job in Japan, nor do I know Japanese people that I can easily talk with.  So keeping up with learning was always a problem even though I’ve always been fascinated with Japanese (manga and anime initially, but later the history, the people and the culture).

    So I gave myself a goal… and it is my reason for learning Japanese.  I want to visit Japan for my 50th birthday (which leaves a few months shy of 9 years), and not just be able to get by, but be able to read the signs I see, talk to the people I meet and get as close I can get to fluency.

    So far I’ve studied hiragana/katakana and am on level 4 on WaniKani.

    Anyway, that’s about it.  I’m not a big forum person, so I may not be posting all that much, but I will surely be lurking.  :)



    Sygec – Great goal! That would be an awesome birthday present. :) You’ve given yourself plenty of time. Maybe make some shorter term goals as well? Otherwise it’s easy to think, “well, I still have 8.5 years. I can put starting off til next month.” ;)  Just a suggestion!

    Good luck with your studies!



    Ah yes.  So very true.  So far it’s been pretty good, but I expect there may be harder moments ahead.

    I find weekends to be rough to concentrate on studying… things like family, kids, the house… you know, all non-Japanese stuff.  :)  I do try to sit down and do a little something every day though (kanji/vocab, grammar), even if it’s just for 10 minutes.  Gotta keep the brain working!!

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