Home Forums TextFugu Sound missing on Anki deck: basicnouns5

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  hymnia 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    I just imported the deck called basicnouns5 (from Season 2, Chapter 8), and they don’t seem to have any sound on them like the other vocab cards do. I looked at the card info for a couple of the cards and it shows the media files are there (for example, under Audio it says: [sound:47-enpitsu.mp3]), and all the older vocab cards already in the deck are still working just fine. I also opened the audio files in iTunes and they work fine that way.

    Anyone else having this problem? Is this a glitch with the deck itself? Or is there something I can do to fix this?



    Have you made sure the folder with all the sound files is in the same folder as the .anki file?



    Check the zip file you downloaded does it contain the files?

    if it does copy them to the anki folder which contains the media for the correct deck, that should get your pencil back on side.

    If it doesn’t contain the file then you could bounty it through text fugu.

    I d/led the zip I got and it had all the junk in and I imported it into a new deck and it worked. Maybe try downloading again and import it again?

    Oh and just a thought make sure you extract the zip file first, if you just use windows ‘its a folder but its not’ technology then it’ll probably only have access to the anki file and not the media folder.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by  vlgi.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by  vlgi.


    I’ve had the same problem of late, after I started using Dropbox the import did not bring the sound with the cards. I had to manually copy the sound files to the media file.



    Thanks for the tips! It probably is because of Dropbox, since this is the first import I’ve done since using it. I think I’ve got it fixed now.

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