Home Forums Off Topic Space Cat / Kitten in Japanese?

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    Random question, I know! But it’s for a blog post. I know that cat is ‘neko’, but unsure what ‘kitten’ is.

    I was just wondering what the term would be for a cat from outer space: space cat… or space kitten.

    Can anyone help?


    The dictionary is your friend ;) Here’s a good standard: http://jisho.org/ (though I’m surprised “kitten” isn’t classed as a “common word” there).

    As for “cat from outer space”, I’d guess something like 宇宙の猫(うちゅうのねこ), though I’m sure someone else can come up with something better. Just out of interest, why would you need to say “space cat”?



    Thanks for the link. It’ll come in handy when I can read syllabaries, as I’ve only just started on the TextFugu course. Any idea on the romaji for what you have written above?

    Space Cat is something I need for a blog.



    I really should just  say “no romaji! Go learn hiragana!” but:

    Kitten = koneko

    Michael’s 宇宙の猫 = uchuu no neko



    Don’t worry, Joel. I’m currently on the lesson section where you start learning Hiragana, and I’m also looking at having private tuition from a native to assist my self-discipline and to get the tones right. ;)

    But, thank you for the help with that. :)


    No romaji! Go learn hiragana! …oh wait, you *are* learning hiragana; there goes my standard response :P

    And yes, you mentioned “space cat” was for a blog, but I was talking specifics: *why* is there a space cat in your blog? What is your blog about? ;)

    “To get the tones right” – that’s really more a feature in Chinese than Japanese. If you’re meaning “pronunciation in general”, that can be acquired through lots of listening to native materials. Not to say that having a native speaker tutor wouldn’t be good, just that it’s not *strictly* necessary.



    Ah! That makes sense, as it was a friend from Hong Kong who mentioned about getting the tones right. I guess she thought it would be a similar thing in Japan with regards to tones.

    Regarding Space Cat… I’ve been asked to write for a website and was going to do it anonymously under the ‘Space Cat’ handle. (Inspired by the furry toy that’s a constant companion next to my pillow, and looks like a cross between an infant’s vision of a cat or a fox, so I’ve always just thought of it as a space cat because I don’t know what it is!)



    I think “Space Cat” sounds a better pseudonym than “Uchuu no neko”, but that’s just me ;) Or maybe something with “Interstellar” in the title, I think that sounds good :P




    Interstellar? Now that’s just TOO creative. :P

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