Home Forums The Japanese Language Speaking or typing/writing

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    The gap between me being able to speak and type Japanese is massive. Is this normal? I’m finding learning the vocab and typing it relatively easy, but being able to speak it almost impossible. Once the words start blending like じゃありませんでしたか then I’m hitting a brick wall. My tongue keeps tripping over itself. Maybe I need speakfugu not textfugu!



    Well, writing is easier than speaking in any language. And for some odd reason, I often find myself getting tongue-tied as well. I generally find the best thing to do is pause, take a deep breath, and try not to rush. Once you’ve mastered it a bit more slowly, then try getting it up to speed.

    Also, it might be worth trying some shadowing. https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/activities-for-fluency/


    Thanks Joel. Slowing down is sound advice. I’m trying to sound just like the recordings and they’re very fast. Thanks.

    I’ll check out the link.



    Aye, Japanese is spoken very quickly. Supposedly it’s all to do with information density – Japanese doesn’t contain a great deal of information per syllable (which is to say, on average it takes more syllables to express the same point in Japanese than it does in, say, English). As a result, people need to speak much faster in order to not wind up having to stand there talking all day.

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