Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Starcraft II commentary in Japanese

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Sheepy 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    I don’t know if anyone here plays Starcraft II at all , but I’ve been attempting to integrate Japanese into as many of my hobbies as possible. I love watching Pro streams and VODs, so I was really happy to find a you tube channel with someone commentating matches in Japanese. Not sure if anyone’s going to find this as interesting as me but i thought I’d share; link is above.



    Master league, baby.
    Zerg all the way.

    Release the GRACKEN!



    Yeah this guy has actually been advertising EVERYWHERE. (Ive seen him on teamliquid and screddit). Hes actually not a Japanese native so hes not as good as talking as I’d like, but hes still improving.

    If you really want to follow Japanese stuff. http://starcraft2.jpcommunity.com/sc2/ is great and Ive picked up a lot of words from Japanese fans. I’m currently building a deck of Starcraft related vocab. Heres some examples

    論評する – to commentate
    選手 – player
    観戦 – watching a sport (starcraft)
    拡張 – expansion
    失格 – disqualify (DQ!)
    反撃 – counter attack
    不利 – disadvantage
    全滅 – total annihilation
    青い炎ドロップ – Blue flame drop
    勿体ない – IMBA IMBA IMBA (among other things)


    @Revenant I’m Zerg as well. Terran OP! Protoss Imba! :P

    @Sheepy Yeah I saw it on TL and on /r/starcraft a few days ago. I noticed his voice was a little off, figured he probably wasn’t native; still good stuff though.

    Awesome link man, thanks, I’ll look into it. Oh and if you ever finish that deck you should submit it somewhere, i’d love to have a copy!



    I’m really surprised there’s any sort of Japanese SC2 scene. Isn’t there not any actual Japanese client? :?

    In any case, thanks for sharing this! I watch too much SC2 for my own good, and this guy’s channel is a godsend.



    Hashi is NOT WORKING!
    Koichi (Super Mario style “Koichi”), wip him! Work on them lessons already xD
    … or not even Doctor Kerrigan may save you!



    Starcraft eh? Well, I’ve never been much of an rts fan but I have found a few commentator’s in Japanese with Minecraft series videos.

    This guy’s PC talks to him with a chick voice so it kind of creeps me out. http://www.youtube.com/user/1119hayabusa

    I can’t tell if this guy is actually Japanese but his videos are interesting. http://www.youtube.com/user/nagomi357



    By the way that voice is a common Japanese conversion app. It electronically pronounces whoever hes talking to’s input text. They type what they want to say and it says it. It would be weird if he was talking to his PC.



    Woosh. Thank god. It wouldn’t just be weird but creepy. I did watch Japanese guy on justin.tv once who was just sitting at his computer talking and you could also hear said app talking, so it seemed to be talking back, which was when I first saw it, and assumed it was responding. Glad to know it doesn’t.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by  RavenTwoFive.

    Thank’s for the link Raven , I can always use more stuff to watch :P and anything video game related is gold.



    ^That’s SO Raven ;)

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