Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Starting my adventure in Japanese.

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    Hi all! My name is Chris, I’m an extremely British guy living in America and I have a crazy motivation for learning Japanese. Well there are many reasons; I love the culture, the language, I’m having a lot of fun studying, I would really love to visit etc. but the big jump start for me was a video game. I’m sure that isn’t uncommon but it’s a particular video game, i hope you’ve heard of it; Gyakuten Kenji 2. When I heard this sequel wouldn’t be localized i was a little heartbroken so for my 20th birthday i asked my wife for a Japanese dictionary, just for fun. Instead I got an imported limited edition copy of the game and it got me so excited I decided I would knuckle down and get serious about learning Japanese. After that I learned that I love this language and I absolutely love spending my time studying it, so I’m so excited to join Textfugu and get my teeth further into it.



    Welcome to TextFugu, Chris!

    I’m British too and I love going on holiday to America. :D

    Good luck learning Japanese.



    Hey Chris! Welcome to TextFugu, and good luck learning Japanese!



    howdyhowdy welecome welcome!



    howdyhowdy welecome welcome!



    double double post post


    Thats Awesome. I am glad to see that somebody else is motivated to learn japanese to play unlocalized games! Imalsoglat to hear that you are enjoying learningthe language! I just started today too!



    thanks you so much


    Jonathan R

    Actually, there’s nothing wrong there…

    Good luck, Chris! Good to see I’m not the only hopeful game translator on TextFugu. I’m also a new to TextFugu, and am busy being amazed by Google’s IME turning いぎあり into kanji.



    Chris, welcome! It’s been almost a week since your intro post. How are things going so far?

    Good luck with your studies!



    Thank you all once again!

    Well Cassandra, I sailed through season 1 already. Seeing as I had already studied a little by myself before Textfugu i got through pretty fluidly, especially as I had already gone through Hiragana and Katakana.

    As for my progress through season 2, well I’m right before Adjectives. I’m literally tying myself down to stop myself from going on because I’m so eager and excited but I must go through my vocab and kanji first. I’ve almost got the Verbs 1 sheet done and I’m just starting Verbs 2 this morning. My 1-3 stroke kanji is good i think, but my 3 stroke kanji vocab needs a little more work.

    And that’s basically where I’m at!

    Every now and then I take a break to open up Gyakuten Kenji 2 to see if I can understand a little more and I really think I’m making progress. I still haven’t been able to decode and bypass the first ‘interrogation’ mainly due to kanji restraints but I can pick up on the grammar and things which is great.



    Wow! You’re doing great! Keep up the good work! :)

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