Home Forums The Japanese Language Stroke order

This topic contains 15 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  hey 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    @jkl – That’s a great point. I guess I unconsciously picked up on that. I can practice writing without powering up my computer in the morning. If have 15 free minutes before work, I spend that writing, instead of losing 5 minutes getting into Anki. In the evening, if I get sick of flash cards, I can take a quick break, and the last few days the “break” was practicing writing, and I felt refreshed after that.

    I’ve also found I can only learn so many new vocab words before I start to stumble, and learn fewer vocab words because I’m trying to get familiar with too many new ones at one time. If I mix in writing practice it doesn’t seem to impact my ability to learn vocab words, but piling on more vocab would make it trickier.

    Also, thanks for the feedback on learning the stroke order rules. That makes sense. I won’t bother trying to memorize them for now based on your thoughts, and I’ll see how it goes.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by  hey.
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