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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Goode 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi I’m struggling to learn the な and い adjectives. They are all in my Anki ‘Textfugu vocab’ deck. At the moment I have to wait for Anki to give them to me when Anki wants but this is too slow. Is there a way that I can go into Anki, select the adjectives and only the adjectives and study them using srs when I want and not have to wait for Anki to ‘release’ them to me mixed up with loads of other vocab. I’m wishing now that I had kept them as separate decks, at least until I have learnt them better. How easy is it to take them out of my ‘text fugu’ vocab deck and put them into their own ‘adjective deck’



    I can’t really help with Anki, I’m afraid (aren’t there help files somewhere?) but maybe I could help address the core issue – what exactly are you struggling with when it comes to learning the adjectives?


    I think it is because the japanese pronounciations seem so abstract to me, I need something like a mnemonic to remember them by. I think I will try to find ‘stories’ to go with the adjectives to help me remember.

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