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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    OK. So, I’m in the UK and am currently finishing my last year of compulsory education. My grades are fairly good (A/A+) in all subjects and in the near future I want to participate in some sort of student exchange program to Japan. However, I am having trouble finding a reliable company that operates in or includes the UK. Help?



    I know the JET program(http://www.jetprogramme.org/index.html) is a popular choice that does include the UK, although you do need to have a University degree and it’s a rather arduous application process from what I’ve gathered.

    I’m not well-versed myself in that sort of thing….I am planning on getting a TEFL certificate (teach English as a foreign language) and then go from there, but I’m sure there’s many others here with loads of better information than me. So I’m sorry if I wasn’t of much help :/



    I think generally you’ll want to talk with your school and/or university for a student exchange program – it’s not, to my knowledge, ever run by third-party companies. At least, not in Australia – I couldn’t really speak for the UK with any certainty. That said, one I can suggest (if you need something to offer to your school/university) is Ritsumeikan in Kyoto. I was wanting to attend the winter program this year, until I realized I just plain can’t afford it right now. You’ve missed the deadline for the winter program, but you can still apply for next summer:


    The JET program, incidentally, is not a student exchange program.



    Actually, I’m not sure why I said it’s not run by third-party companies. Gonna blame that on posting before I was fully awake. For some reason, I can’t edit it out of existence before someone reads it.

    That said, I still stand by the rest of my post – your school will probably know best, or will have the networking and/or contacts to find out.

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