Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese studying kanji using clozes

This topic contains 18 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  J.J 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    to whoever told me to do mother nature a favor and get the pdf format of it i’d like to say this:

    i appreciate your suggestion and will get it so i can have it for portability on my Nook, but you can’t make notes in a pdf file. at least not the way i like to, also i would be sparing mother nature by buying a used copy instead of a brand new one.



    You won’t need to make any notes in it. It’s not “that” type of book. Especially since you’re going to end up using kanjikoohi anyway.



    btw, as a heads up, even if you do rtk with a real book, you’ll still spend 99% of your time studying kanji… on the computer… and all the notes (stories) you’ll take will be… on the computer… even when you practice writing them you need the computer in front of you, so I think it would be wise to get a pdf version, not because I’m cheap, but because it’s more… efficient. (i’m lazy and poor what can i say…)

    just… just trust me.



    @Armando     Thanks, i’ll keep that in mind.

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