Home Forums The Japanese Language Suddenly Kanji ( In need of help.)

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    I’m at season two.

    There nicely reading about on/kun and hito/futa.
    I’ve only learned a few radicals. The ones that Koichi gave through the lessons.
    So, opening TextFugu Kanji 1.1 and the vocab one, there I’m suddenly confronted with the kanji for person and two.

    .. I only learned that the first one is ‘ni’ and the second ‘hito’. But didn’t learn what it means when put together. it obviously is futari ( I saw so in Anki), not nihito.
    But, to the point.. I can’t remember anywhere an explanation for this. that the kanji for two and person together together: futari.

    Can someone maybe help? Find the document or page associated to this. ._. I’ve been searching, but unable to find.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by  Karun.


    As you might or might not be aware, Japanese has many different counters for counting different things. It’s not the same as in English. Most people agree that the best way to remember counters is to learn them straight up.

    When counting people, the counter usually ends with にん (for example, to say three people 三人 = さんにん), but for the first two it’s slightly different. 一人 = ひとり and 二人 = ふたり.

    When you learn vocab in the early stages of Textfugu, Koichi doesn’t state this which leads to a lot of confusion for some people.

    Fortunately, there’s a good guide on Tofugu which teaches you some of the most popular counters. There’s more out there though.




    \o/ woo, thank you.

    But, yes, I am aware of the different counters. Which I find annoying, but do see the sense in it.
    Back to studying.



    Koichi, hurry up and mention the exceptions in your lessons!!

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