Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Suggestion for beginners, like me

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nina French 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Nina French

    I bought a book that is written in Japanese. It helps me to get this book out and look at the characters (hiragana, katakana and kanji) and when I find one I recognise, I say it out loud…as good as I can. I have severe trouble saying the “dzi,” “dzu,” “rya,” “ryu,” “ryo,” no matter how much I pronounce them. At any rate, doing this for even five minutes has made it MUCH easier to recognise them for myself. A solution to people who do not have the monetary ability to buy a book is to visit websites from Japan or like http://www.kinokuniya.com/us/ and do the same thing. I just wanted to suggest this because it has helped me SO MUCH.



    I’m lucky enough to live in the same city as a Kinokuniya, so I can go in person. =)

    I’ve bought a handful of books in Japanese, though I admit I haven’t read most of them yet…


    Nina French


    Seriously, I don’t know how far into lessons you are but, try to look at one of your books and see which characters you can pick out. I bet you will be surprised. I find that the ballpoint illustration books are quite fun, even if I can’t read them. If you look in Kinokuniya’s “Best of 2015,” there is one there. These books are designed for the Hobonichi and other Techo crazes. If you are “into” Sketch Notes, these books work great. You have to let me know if you opened up any of those books you already purchased. I would love to hear if this works for you, as well.




    I’m a little past TextFugu’s level by now – it’s procrastination rather than inability that’s kept me from giving them a try. =P

    I also bought δΊŒγƒŽε›½ for the DS a fair while back, and I was surprised at the time how easily I was reading it. Haven’t touched that in a while either…


    Nina French

    I am curious as to how far TextFugu goes. The game looks really cool. I have a DS Kanji instruction game but, I never loaded it onto my DS because I didn’t think I could figure enough words out to load it up.

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