Home Forums TextFugu Suggestion: Looking up kanji with radicals

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    I’m near the end of the second season, and I’ve learned a few radicals.

    I’ve also found myself wanting to look up kanji on jisho.org.

    What I’m finding is between studying on Textfugu, and using jisho.org that not all of the radicals appear or function as you might expect. I’m sure some of this is exceptions, fonts, and other factors I haven’t considered.

    However, it would be nice to know which of those apply, and have a few examples, tips, and guides on using radicals, and looking up kanji with them. I feel like I have information without a purpose. I’m sure the purpose will come, but even a bit of warning on what to expect would be really helpful at this stage.

    If this has been covered, and I missed it, or forgot it then sorry. :(

    If it hasn’t been covered, please consider covering it. :)




    I like Tangorin.com for a dictionary so I’m more familiar with it. Choose “Kanji”, click “Radical Search” then you can pick radicals and up pops Kanji using those radicals.

    Hope this helps.



    Some of Koichi’s radicals are completely new inventions, which don’t appear on any other official (or unofficial) list of radicals I’ve ever seen. For radical lookup on Jisho, collections of strokes can be searched with as well – it doesn’t have to be completely separate. For example, 天 will show up if you look for 人.

    Otherwise, I’m not entirely sure exactly what it is you’re asking…



    Right I follow thanks.

    Also, tangorin.com looks like it’ll be useful


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