Home Forums TextFugu Suggestion: Save your spot & Online calendar

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Yann 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #38138

    Jason Wilson

    2 quick suggestions, purely from a beginners standpoint.

    1. My work/family life is hectic, so I don’t get a super “set” time to study… I do  however try to devote a few (3+) days  to studying (Japanese and school work) turning off all other distractions and going through a lesson of Japanese and then writing in my new Evernote study diary about what I learned…. That being said, why not a way to see what page you last left on or to “save” your state during a lesson.  So if I get stopped halfway through because of life, and I pick it up the next morning (or few days later) when I find a free hour during work, I can log in and remember the exact chapter/page I was on.


    2. A online calendar in order to record the days you study… I do this on my own, but something built in might be found more useful to new self paced users so they can track their Study time habits!  Or Have Textfugu auto track how much time/ the days you study so that you can look back at your “history” and plot how much time you have been devoting.


    Anyhow, I’m loving it so far, about to complete Season 1, I’m a lifetime member have tried studying Japanese before, but this year (and the next :p) is my year!



    #1 I just drag a bookmark of the last lesson I studied on my desktop, but I do agree that it makes it hard to keep track of your studies on different devices… The easiest way to make it a bit easier for us would be to have a more verbose  summary page, with the title of each individual pages within lessons instead of the pagination looking thing that’s in place right now, or at least have the title in the “title” attribute of the numbered links so we can read them on hover states.

    #2 Being a web dev, I can tell you it’s not gonna happen ;) This would be a LOT of work to implement, and knowing how they like the 80/20 rule, they wouldn’t allocate so much resource to that. But there are quite a few nice options available for time tracking both online or iOS/Android apps… :)

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by  Yann.
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