Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Taishō has arrived

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    Hey guys, my name is David and I’m from Florida. I’m one who recently got interested in Japan as I really am into technology, and as a Software Engineer-in-training I hopefully want to move into Robotics.

    I squealed like a girl when I first heard about the kuratas robot.

    Any-who, I really didn’t do anything other than dream about Japanese robotics until around the end of last September when I went to a study abroad seminar in my University. I guess I realized that I can actually can go there. On the way I learned to love more than their robots, but their culture and language. I started watching anime, which really wasn’t that big on me until recently and I even have a few albums from L’arc en Ciel and a few others. I happened on textfugu and found it so different from all the other sites and books I’ve used in the past, and instantly fell in love.

    I’m also signed up already for a month long study abroad program this summer (in Tokyo), which hopefully I’ll learn to actually save money and go for much longer next year.

    I hope to meet some awesome people here and learn a ton of Japanese for when I go this summer.



    David – I saw your response in the resolutions thread before I found your intro. ;) You can learn a lot in the six months before your trip! Robotics would be an awesome field to specialize in. I think you’re the first intro I’ve read here that mentioned it. Anyways, welcome and good luck!


    well thank you much madam, I’ve been everywhere with my lessons so it’s pretty disjointed in my head. I learned Hiragana on my own, I delved deeper into phrases by listening to some audio lessons, and bits of grammar from a textbook, so hopefully I can put all that loose knowledge together on here, though I must say I love what I’m reading so far.



    I specialised in robotics, albeit coming at it from the Mech Eng side of things. Never really thought about doing it in Japan, though. I’ve wanted to do a month-long intensive Japanese course at Ritsumeikan in Kyoto, but so far either the timing or the funding has gotten in the way.

    Anyway, I reckon you should learn Katakana before you get too buried in random grammar. =)


    I found a program for a decent price, so I consider myself lucky. Out of the 750,000 industrial robots in the world, Japan alone has over 400,000 of them, so I think it’s the best place to work if I’m thinking of robotics.

    As for the Katakana, I’m hoping this site will help me with that, though I don’t think it’ll be too big of a deal, I know Hiragana already, and I learned it in about a week, Katakana should be easy enough.

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