Home Forums TextFugu Text Fugu subscription and Wanikani

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Astralfox 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hello guys, I hope I am posting this in the right forum…

    Well.. yesterday I purchased life-time TextFugu. I had also been doing Wanikani on the side and since I am close to reaching level 3 I was going to get a subscription too, and was quite happy that I’d get a 50% discount…

    Problem is, I have now realised that I have different usernames for both (although they do use the same email address) and therefore when I click on the 50% discount on TextFugu it does bring me to Wanikani but then I am told I am already logged in blablabla…

    So my question is, am I doing something wrong  or I really cannot use the discount for that differently named account? Anybody had the same experience and found a solution? Maybe I should contact TextFugu staff see if they can do anything? I know I really am not that far in Wanikani but I already knew most of the radicals and kanji presented, so now starting again just when it was starting to take some momentum would be really frustrating :( …

    Hope you can help guys, and nice to meet you all, looking forward to spend some time on the forum :).



    Never mind people, I saw that there is a code to use for the discount… will teach me not to read attentively.

    Is there a way I can delete this thread?


    You can’t delete threads or posts, sorry; if you ever make a mistake, it lives on forever :P



    Like that; “will teach me not to read attentively” mistake… Hmmm, the fact that it exists means you actually did learn to read less attentively…


    AstralFox, you confused me there, I had to reread his post several times. He’s saying it in the same way you’d say “That’ll teach you to touch my stuff!”… which now that I think about it, while correct, doesn’t really make sense.



    Nice catch.

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