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    Andy Tindall

    Hey! I’ve recently moved to Yokohama (and started TextFugu) and was wondering if I am alone? It’s easy to spend all my time working and studying, so it would be a comfort to look up from Anki at the smoggy sky and know that somewhere, someone else was suffering terribly too.

    If I’m not alone, nice to meet you! How are you doing? Where are you from, and where are you now in the land of the rising sun and inflated prices? If you’re near-by, who knows, perhaps we can have a TextFugu 飲み会 ? (or コンパ if we’re feeling rowdy)



    I wish I could…I haven’t even been to Japan once!!! T_T

    well actually i’ve been there once but that was just the airport stop and i was a toddler



    KiaiFighter lives in Sapporo I think.

    thisiskyle was in Japan but is now back in the USA the last time I saw him on the forums.

    Aside from that, I don’t know any other TF’ers currently living in Japan.



    I’m pretty sure there’s a female member there on the JET program, but I couldn’t for the life of me recall her name…



    Indeed. I’m in Sapporo (originally from Canada). Have been for just over 3 years now. Still lovin’ it =D

    I don’t make my way down to Tokyo too often. I don’t get so much time off so.. yeah.. That’d be the only downside I s’ppose.



    I live in Kyoto.

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